De temporada ¡por favor!

Seasonal please!

Although we have become accustomed to consuming vegetables and fruits all year round, the harvests follow their seasonal rhythm. The climate and the area mark them to grow, to be harvested.

Less and effective is more! Today we show you the products that arrive with November.

From the garden to your table. Taking care of yourself while feeding your body is easy by following the natural cycle.Switching to consuming seasonal products gives you health and well-being. In addition, you save on your purchases and help the farmer who is the first and weakest step in food production.

Antioxidants, anticancer:

  • Parsley and celery: they are flavonoid antioxidants with anti-cancer properties. In addition, they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Great in juices and green smoothies, celery is ideal as a snack to dip in hummus or guacamole. Raw with EVOO, pepper and salt.
  • Garlic, young garlic, calçot, leek, onion: vegetables rich in sulfur.

  • Lettuce, chard, arugula, spinach: green leafy vegetables, they provide you with antioxidants and protect the liver.
  • Endive, chicory and escarole: From the same family. Its leaves are white because they are deprived of the sun. The bitter taste promotes digestion. Rich in fiber, cleansing and very nutritious. They are ideal in salads mixed with orange or fruits.

  • Eggplant, pepper, cucumber, zucchini: diuretics, anti-aging, antioxidants, protect the brain, skin and intestinal system. Increases immunity. Low calories. Rich in water, fiber, vit.A, C, E, B9, mineral salts.

  • Pumpkin: with 90% water, many carbohydrates and few calories. It is an antioxidant, high in folic acid, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, omega acids. Prevents high blood pressure, colds and flu, angina. Take care of your immune system. Ideal to maintain your ideal weight.

  • Peas: vasodilator, protects your heart and regulates LDL cholesterol. It provides serenity, regenerates cells, controls constipation, and contains a lot of nutrients.

Natural detoxifiers and antioxidants. Powerful detox for your liver:

  • Artichokes: detox and purifying. Stimulates the production of bile and the digestion of fats. Helps you eliminate liquids.

  • Milk thistle: liver regenerator. Protects and regenerates liver cells against toxins. Take the raw leaves in a salad or make an infusion after meals.

  • Cabbages: greens, brussels, red cabbage, kale, cauliflower:  vit. A, B6, Cand K, potassium, calcium.

  • Broccoli sprouts: Ideal in juices, smoothies or salads. Great antioxidant, anti-cancer, alkalizing and anti-inflammatory for your entire body and to maintain your digestive system.

  • Tomato: According to scientific studies, it helps prevent some types of cancer. Reduces cholesterol, degenerative diseases, brain aging and heart attack. Powerful antioxidant.

  • Carrot: High content of carotenes, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, vit. TOProtects the skin, strengthens nails, hair and keeps the scalp healthy.

  • Mushrooms: High quality plant proteins. Alkalizing, with minerals, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and selenium. Potassium and sodium control blood pressure. It contains a lot of fiber and hardly any calories.

They say that variety is the joy. And also balance. Our motto Less and effective is more!

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