La importancia de la protección solar en verano

The importance of sun protection in summer

Summer is a long-awaited time of year, but we must remember that excessive exposure to the sun's rays can have harmful effects on our skin. That is why sun protection is essential to take proper care of ourselves. In this article, we show what each solar factor means.

Solar factor and its categories

When we look for sun protection products, it is common to come across the term "sun factor" or "SPF" (Sun Protection Factor). The SPF indicates the product's ability to block UVB rays, which are primarily responsible for sunburn. The SPF is divided into different categories that determine the level of protection offered. The most common are SPF 15, 30, 50 and 50+.

SPF 15: Offers low protection against UVB rays. It filters approximately 93% of the sun's rays and allows you to prolong the time you spend in the sun without burning by approximately 15 times compared to unprotected skin. It is suitable for people with darker skin that rarely burns.

SPF 30: Provides moderate protection against UVB rays. It filters around 97% of the sun's rays and allows you to extend the exposure time without burning by approximately 30 times. It is recommended for people with fair or sensitive skin.

SPF 50: Provides high protection against UVB rays. It filters around 98% of the sun's rays and allows you to extend the exposure time without getting burned by approximately 50 times. It is especially recommended for people with very light skin, children and people who have a history of skin cancer in the family.

SPF 50+: Indicates very high protection against UVB rays. There is no specific limit as to the protection provided, but it generally filters out more than 98% of the sun's rays. It is a suitable option for people with extremely sensitive skin or who require extra protection.

We have to know our skin and what we need to be protected based on its characteristics. We must use sunscreen all times of the year even if it may not seem like it, the sun's rays are ALWAYS captured by our skin and we must be protected. Remember to use FPS.

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