Prepara la piel para el invierno con estos tips

Prepare your skin for winter with these tips

With cold and temperature changes, the skin dries out and cracks easily. Taking care of it daily is essential to keep it in good condition and radiant. Keep reading and say goodbye to the effects of the cold with these tips! We tell you how to easily care for and prepare your skin for winter.

Tips to care for and prepare your skin for winter

  • Daily cleansing and pampering.
    Cleanse your skin every day so it looks great and healthy. Eye! Both excess and lack can alter the dermis. Soap and water contribute to dry skin, which is why we recommend cleaning it with our Soapy Oil. A combination of disinfectant oils that clean, remove makeup and moisturize the skin of the entire body. It has a neutral pH and its essential oils give off a pleasant and relaxing aroma.

  • Hydration, hydration and hydration!
    The skin protects the body from the outside, from temperatures and from harmful agents. Protective ability depends on your health and pH balance. Good hydration is key. Nosotr@s utilwe use the Brightening Moisturizing Cream for the day, a natural moisturizing cream with a touch of color that unifies the tone. For the rest of the body, the Soothing Body Cream hydrates and calms the skin, leaving it soft.

  • Skin repair and a good rest.
    Serum, night routine and adequate sleep for good dermal regeneration. Learn more about the iimportance of rest and of applying a good serum .

  • Sun protection, also in winter.
    Although in the cold it may seem that the sun is not as aggressive, the UV rays continue to radiate. It is important to protect the most exposed parts such as the face or hands. With the Brightening Moisturizing Cream, you will have hydration, good appearance and 20SPF sun protection.

  • Park the laziness! Turn daily care into your moment of well-being.
    Learn here the tips we use nosotr@s para turn skin care into our moment of well-being.

  • Healthy lifestyle, one of the keys to healthy skin.
    Taking care of ourselves on the inside contributes to external health. A healthy body is synonymous with healthy and strengthened skin.

Be constant and provide the skin with good hydration and nutrition. And, if it is with natural products that respect the pH, the better. Your skin will thank you by looking healthy!
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