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What you didn't know about Intermittent Fasting

Learn everything you didn't know about intermittent fasting. Is it really the definitive method to regulate weight? What are its benefits? What dangers are hidden behind this diet? We tell you!

What is intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting consists of spending intervals of fasting and intervals of eating normally. There are different methods to do it, the best known being 8/16: eating normally for 8 hours and fasting for 16. When we fast our body notices it. It does not receive any type of nutrients and has to use stored energy by burning excess body fat. Therefore, you can lose weight and reduce body fat.

This diet is a great attraction for much@s. Haceour diet to lose weight and, ultimately, to improve health. Who doesn't intend, then, to try “the definitive method to lose weight”? Right? Is it really the definitive method to lose weight? We'll tell you about it below!

What you didn't know about intermittent fasting: Its risks.

It is truly attractive if what you are looking for is to lose weight. However, it is essential to be aware of what it entails and the health risks it may entail.

  • Changes in eating behavior.

Every diet involves a change in habitual eating behavior. These types of diets, which reduce intake and involve energy restriction, can cause very negative effects on health if they are not carried out correctly. Imbalance in the body, low blood sugar, headaches, dizziness, lack of concentration, irritability, anxiety, malaise, insomnia and eating disorders.

  • Imbalance of the organism and bodily changes, not always desired.

Why are you on the diet? What is the OBJETIVE? Does it adapt to your needs and those of your body? Each organism is different and has different needs. Adapting the diet according to the desired objective and the lifestyle of each person is essential to avoid imbalances and body changes (extreme thinness, weak skin and hair due to lack of nutrients, laziness, discomfort, etc.).

  • It can cause ketosis and trigger/aggravate pathologies.

With food intake, insulin levels increase. When we fast, they decrease, potentially entering ketosis or becoming uncontrolled and aggravating other diseases such as diabetes.

  • Professional supervision is essential.

Professional supervision is necessary to contribute to an adequate and balanced diet for your body during the period in which the diet is carried out.

  • It has the same effects as other regular “diets”.

intermittent fasting is effective for losing weight, but it must always be supported by a balanced and varied diet. There are many effective diets to reduce body weight that also maintain regular intake. The question is knowing which one is the most suitable for you.

Dieting should not always be synonymous with fasting, but rather a way to balance the body and improve health. A diet should be a tool to support a varied diet, a way to specifically improve some aspect of your health, but not a way to stop doing something as vital as eating. Before starting any diet, good nutritional education, an active lifestyle and, above all, being AWARE of what your body needs are essential. Stopping eating food is not the definitive solution, nor is it the most appropriate.

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