Cómo conseguir un cabello radiante y saludable

How to get radiant and healthy hair

The importance of caring for and hydrating hair

There are many factors that damage our hair and scalp on a daily basis, practically without us realizing it. In summer, the heat, long exposure to the sun accompanied by bathing in chlorinated pools or on beaches full of salt, the damage is accentuated. We want to explain to you the importance of providing your hair with good hydration so that it is healthy and radiant.

Why is it important to hydrate hair?

It is very important to keep it healthy. Our hair, like our skin, requires specific and regular care due to the constant external factors that damage it. Furthermore, in summer, sea water and chlorine in swimming pools cause irritation, dryness and dehydration. If we are not aware of this and do not take care of our hair regularly and act when it already looks weakened, dull and extremely dehydrated, changes such as dandruff, dermatitis or even hair loss may appear. To combat and prevent this situation of extreme damage, it is important to carry out a routine that provides that hydration base.

How to provide hydration to hair?

At GGcare, we are aware of the importance and what it can affect our emotional well-being when hair falls out or weakens. For this reason, we treat it as an extension of the skin that we also want you to pamper with the best products of natural origin and without parabens, giving it adequate hydration to combat and prevent dryness: 

  • GGcare rosehip oil: excellent way to hydrate and repair damaged hair, also ideal for combating dandruff. Put a few drops of GGcare Rosehip oil in the palms of your hand and massage the ends and the dehydrated or damaged part. Leave it on, if possible, for 1 hour and then wash normally.
    For dandruff, apply it to the scalp, massaging it for a few minutes with your fingertips. We recommend leaving the GGcare Rosehip oil on overnight. Put a handkerchief or towel on your pillow to prevent staining, and in the morning you can wash your hair normally.

  • GGcare Soapy Oil: ideal for cleansing, moisturizing, soothing and providing additional shine to your hair and skin. You can use it as shampoo and body wash. It is ideal for soothing the scalp during the hair growth period, especially after oncology treatments, as well as a silicone- and paraben-free moisturizing shampoo. You will love its soft and light texture and aroma with an aromatherapy effect!

For more information about how to use these products to care for your hair, related topics or if you simply want to chat with us, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you and contribute to the health and pampering of your skin and hair!

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